When I started using essential oils about 10 years ago, there weren’t many on the market. I knew quality was important, but it’s EVEN MORE important now when cheap, adulterated essential oils are available everywhere.
I started using some store-bought oils to make DIYs as I began my journey to be more low-tox in our home. I thought they smelled nice, but I wasn’t noticing anything else. I had no ideas that most of the oils you’ll find on store shelves and online are adulterated, filled with synthetic chemicals + fragrance, and unethically sourced – making them not therapeutic. You definitely don’t want to be breathing those in or putting those types of oils on your body! Then I read a friend’s post about how they were using Thieves oil in their home during winter for wellness and I figured it was worth trying. I was amazed at the results we saw when we switched over to Young Living oils for supporting our health and wellness!
When we know better, we can do better!
It is SO important to be mindful of quality when using essential oils! This is why I choose to only use Young Living’s essential oils – they manage every step of the process: from the seed planted at the farm all the way through distillation, bottling and sealing up the bottles of plant juice. each batch is tested over 20 times (which we’ll talk about later) and if at any time fails quality testing, is thrown out.
This is called the Seed to Seal promise and personally, why I love Young Living (YL) so much.
Young Living is the only essential oil company to own and partner with farms all over the world! You can actually visit their farms & tour their distilleries – how amazing is that!? I’ve been multiple times and definitely recommend going to see it for yourself!
They started small in 1993 and have pioneered the modern-day essential oil movement over the last 28 + years without sacrificing their family roots, transparency, quality, or sustainability.
YL’s farming practices are also unmatched – they only farm on healthy, organic soil, and never use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.
YL sources products from carefully vetted corporate-owned farms, partner farms, and Seed to Seal-certified suppliers and tests them extensively. If the exhaustive tests show that a product doesn’t meet YL standards, they don’t buy it, or they reject the batch.
Young Living is committed to producing unadulterated and the highest quality essential oils in the world. I’m beyond grateful for this! It gives me confidence when using them in our home and with my family. Highly skilled scientists using state-of-the-art equipment test each batch in their in-house labs over 20 times.
YL also used third party labs, working with more than a dozen of the world’s leading independent and accredited labs with highly skilled and trained scientists who specialize in advanced product testing.
Here’s an example of Young Living’s practices being put into play:
Let’s take cypress essential oil, which has 280 known chemical constituents. If it is distilled for 20 hours, you only get 20 of the 280 properties. If it is distilled for 26 hours you won’t get any of the properties. Most cypress essential oil you can buy is only distilled for 3.5 hours. The correct length of time for distilling cypress is 24 hours to get the full 280 properties. Why do you think companies cut corners and distill for only 3.5 hours? To sell oil with a higher profit margin without concern for the quality or whether it provides any actual health benefits.
If you want cypress to do the job it is intended to do, you MUST get ALL 280 constituents, no more, no less. Most people just do not realize essential oils have chemical properties in them and in order to get the full benefit out of that particular oil it has to be grown, harvested, and distilled the correct way or the oil has no benefit to us. Mind blowing, right?
And did you know that Young Living actually tests OTHER companies oils too?! Read THIS POST from YL’s Director of Analytical Sciences R&D to learn more and see the results!
YL has the research and experience that other companies don’t have to ensure EACH oil is distilled properly to maximize the important chemical constituents present in that bottle that arrives on our doorstep.
You can learn more about YL’s processes and farms at seedtoseal.com. I have seen the difference Young Living’s commitment to quality makes for our family and I’m so thankful I can count on that!