YOU. GUYS. I am beyond excited to share this! I got to be on a PODCAST! Say, what?! No, for realz, I did. I would love to come on here and tell you this is the kind of thing I always do because OBVI, right? But…not so much.
Let me start by saying I am a regular listener to the Revolution Oils Podcast. If you haven’t checked it out, you need to go do that. It’s a great variety of essential oil education that’s easy to understand. I listen to them in the car while I’m dropping kids places or racing around in between meetings.
How the Heck Did I End Up On There?
Ok, here’s the part where I admit some stuff to you. My kiddos love them some essential oils, but they aren’t exactly thrilled when I make them listen to podcasts in the car. 😉 Shocking, I know. Several months ago while listening, one of them randomly said “Mom, you should be on this!”. And part of me thought “I totally should!”. But then there was the other part of me. You know, the voice that second guesses…what if you don’t know enough, maybe you aren’t interesting, you may be familiar with this voice. Here’s where the truth comes in. I had the opportunity to volunteer myself a couple of times. But it was easier to scroll past…no way to fail if I don’t put myself out there, right? Eventually Sam reached out to me based on some previous communications we had. So there it was…take the opportunity or be forced to say “no, I’m afraid”. One of my favorite quotes from Tina Fey is “Say yes, and you’ll figure it out afterwards”. So that’s what I did! I literally shot back an email telling her I was IN before I had a chance to start thinking about it.
Why am I telling you this instead of just acting like I just rocked a podcast interview? Because I learned that this was one of those “moments” in life. I had an opportunity to do something I really wanted to do and believed I could do, and I *almost* didn’t because of fear. Fear of not being good enough, not living up to expectations, fear of failing. How many opportunities come along that we really want to reach out and grab and we don’t? Let’s make 2017 the year of saying YES and then figuring it out!
Oh, and for your enjoyment…this is what it looked like:
Tea Tree Oil Spotlight
Whew! That was a lot wasn’t it? So, the actual podcast. Everything you want to know about tea tree oil! This is one of the most widely used essential oils with a looooong history of medicinal, skin and respiratory uses. Check out the podcast HERE for some really cool ways it was historically used by Aborigines and by Australian soldiers during WWII. Here’s some highlights of what we talk about…
- History and different species of Melaleuca plants
- Chemical constituents of Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) oil
- Uses for Tea Tree oil
- DIY recipes with Tea Tree oil
- Bonus – we end with some added tips for rockin’ out a healthy life and I share info from my post on getting better sleep (HERE) and my homemade coffee creamer recipe (HERE). And we laugh a lot.
DIY Recipe Sneak Peak
How about some sneak peaks!? These are two of the recipes we use at home that I share on the show. We also talk about my most popular DIY recipe, THIS conditioning hair detangler spray and why it DOESN’T use Tea Tree oil.
I make this in a glass dropper bottle. For every teaspoon of grapeseed oil, I add 1 to 2 drops of these essential oils:
- Frankincense essential oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Tea Tree essential oil
- Here’s the grapeseed oil I use
Owie Spray
This spray for little boo-boos. Add the following to a 1 oz. spray bottle.
- 10 drops Frankincense essential oil
- 10 drops Lavender essential oil
- 10 drops Tea Tree essential oil
- Splash of Witch Hazel (I use THIS one)
- Fill to top with distilled water
Gently shake and spray on boo-boos!
HERE is where you can learn more about the only essential oils I am comfortable using with my family. If you don’t have these in your life, I’m tellin’ ya…you need them!
I hope you enjoy and learn a lot! Tea Tree oil is cleansing, purifying and a must-have in a mama’s tool box. Head on over the Revolution Oils Podcast to check it out! And most of all…I hope you remember this when you run across something you want to do. And say yes. And then figure it out later. (Tina Fey is so wise, isn’t she?)